# This file is created by JAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. DSCN6488.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6489.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6490.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6491.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6492.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6493.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6494.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6495.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6496.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6497.JPG 1540581840 DSCN6498.JPG 1540657844 DSCN6499.JPG 1540657844 DSCN6500.JPG 1540657844 DSCN6501.JPG 1540657844 DSCN6502.JPG 1540657844 DSCN6503.JPG 1540657844 IMG_20181025_190522.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181025_190527.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181025_190537.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181025_190549.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181025_190623.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181025_190654.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140855.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140902.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140909.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140917.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140920.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140923.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140931.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140943.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140946.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140953.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_140955.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_141006.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_141010.jpg 1540926361 IMG_20181027_141013.jpg 1540926361