# This file is created by jAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. 20221027_105706.jpg 1667505929 20221027_105712.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114051.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114055.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114102.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114105.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114116.jpg 1667505929 20221027_114124.jpg 1667505929 20221031_122121.jpg 1667505929 20221031_122129.jpg 1667505929 20221031_122136.jpg 1667505929 20221031_122750.jpg 1667505929 20221031_122808.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110248_357.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110252_734.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110304_295.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110308_482.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110321_279.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221027_110339_027.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110714_315.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110719_244.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110743_652.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110748_352.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110753_808.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221028_110808_107.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221031_103657_422.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221031_103704_341.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221031_103733_792.jpg 1667505929 IMG_20221031_103740_927.jpg 1667505929