# This file is created by jAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory.
# Files not listed here are added to the end of the album
# Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files.
# Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme:
# File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch)
# Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby
# allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations.

20240811_085925.jpg		1723504790
20240811_085942.jpg		1723504790
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20240811_091210.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091246.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091308.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091400.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091437.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091601.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091718.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091844.jpg		1723504790
20240811_091921.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092640.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092648.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092710.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092808.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092824.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092858.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092905.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092918.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092926.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092931.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092936.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092942.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092946.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092950.jpg		1723504790
20240811_092956.jpg		1723504790
20240811_093004.jpg		1723504790
20240811_093013.jpg		1723504790
20240811_094510.mp4		1723504790
20240811_095003.jpg		1723504790
20240811_110327.jpg		1723504790
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20240811_111319.jpg		1723504790
20240811_111322.jpg		1723504790
20240811_111329.jpg		1723504790
20240811_111333.jpg		1723504790
VID-20240811-WA0003.mp4		1723504790