# This file is created by jAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. 20231130_210110.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210112.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210536.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210544.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210551.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210556.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210616.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210635.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210646.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210657.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210706.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210713.jpg 1701971850 20231130_210718.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211137.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211150.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211823.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211829.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211841.jpg 1701971850 20231130_211847.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212145.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212152.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212154.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212159.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212530.mp4 1701971850 20231130_212603.jpg 1701971850 20231130_212605.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225040.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225127.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225130.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225148.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225255.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225307.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225329.jpg 1701971850 20231130_225350.jpg 1701971850