# This file is created by JAlbum. It sets custom file filtering and ordering for this image directory. # Files not listed here are added to the end of the album # Rows beginning with "-" indicate excluded files. # Rows can have up to 3 tab separated columns according to this scheme: # File name | Target path (for links) | When added (seconds since epoch) # Note: The target path can reference files and directories in other locations and thereby # allows you to compile albums consisting of files from several different locations. AiZbgvJFgwlMEhWq6ezNCea4_0hVmKelObwuBO7VBiVw.jpg 1441304601 AlPHrT5JNC2oy6rkXS5EavczzsQCZbo21zo7C4L38XI-.jpg 1441304601 Am8rXtbboHJxx98TuU4V--imFye9-f3Gw31mxlN5GuSN.jpg 1441304601 AoayI6aS81APEih8HiLdrZgzGeK8eFUkPhkmZpipYIQg.jpg 1441304601 ApK2niTIk7s7EXRbsDP18nDR5z58uQFDCvbSYoKJ9mLd.jpg 1441304601 Apzj5QVZ-r_lSfT2ZS7kDJMgD0EYnSVUvoQupPE6Lm55.jpg 1441304601 ArO3R7eQnAHvTmLMayBazyGTg1DUVMAA_HQOVa0KM19y.jpg 1441304601 AsnJh5Mom6nrLk4UwrWuv_YYFx6cwzh62yNUnspNHzsZ.jpg 1441304601 Ate7p6YNk7l_TgPzJiqBejyHIft67gOa3xsha_wPl5DQ.jpg 1441304601 AtRundxSQumntmg-Q9Cf4YbvGmW3IGhDbTGFKbp9Fv0j.jpg 1441304601 Audq-IeORUDRqLTMrPXZaI6mxgBsJCnEUHpUAtP4GRwE.jpg 1441304601 CCI03092015_00000.jpg 1441304601 CCI03092015_00000_02.jpg 1441304601 CCI03092015_00000_03.jpg 1441304601